Dominic Restuccia – Restore American Values
Personal responsibility, limited government, and the rule of law are the bedrock principles of our American system of government. We can rebuild Michigan’s economy and revitalize Michigan’s communities by pursuing public policy that is consistent with these American tenets.
Livingston Values
Livingston County is one of the best places in the world to live, work, and raise a family, and that’s not by accident. Our communities are safe, our downtowns are vibrant, and people from all over want what Livingston County residents have. Our way of life is possible because we believe in personal responsibility, prioritize our families, and respect law enforcement. Lansing needs a dose of Livingston County values.
Parents have a fundamental right to direct the upbringing and education of their children. Dominic is committed to not only protecting parental rights already recognized in state law, but to strengthen those rights. Parents deserve transparency and accountability from their children’s school. As a father of two, Dominic believes every child deserves a good education, regardless of what zip code they are born in. Dominic is committed to promoting American values in our schools by revamping civics education in our schools.
Law Enforcement and First Responders
Our community’s first responders risk their lives daily to protect our communities. As the son of a Detroit prosecutor, Dominic was raised with a respect for the rule of law and understands the importance of supporting law enforcement to keep our community safe. As state representative, Dominic will back the blue and stand with our police, fire, and all first responders by ensuring that they have the resources they need to do the job and keep Livingston County secure. Dominic will also oppose irresponsible District attorneys and County Prosecutors that release violent criminals and refuse to charge offenders for the crimes they committed.
Cutting Taxes and Spending
Dominic supports cutting taxes to put more money back into the pockets of hard-working Americans. Politicians in Lansing on both sides of the aisle have bloated the state budget, nearly doubling their out-of-control spending in over a decade. If left unchecked, this excessive spending will mean more taxes on middle class Americans to pay for Lansing programs and special interest projects. Dominic will oppose tax increases and support reforms to the state budget to get our state’s spending in check.
Unleash Michigan’s Economy
Michigan residents have struggled under this economy. Explosive inflation has driven up the cost of groceries, gas, housing, and everyday goods and services. Dominic supports robust pro-growth policies to help small businesses thrive, rebuild Michigan’s economy, and provide good jobs for the next generation of Michiganders. Growing up as a kid during the 2008 financial crisis, Dominic remembers friends having to move to other states because their parents lost their jobs and couldn’t afford their homes anymore. Michigan continues to lag economically behind other states that have adopted pro-growth policies by simplifying rules, reducing regulations, and unleashing Michigan entrepreneurs instead of picking winners and losers. Dominic recognizes that people, not the government, are the best job creators.
Stop Sanctuary Cities and Oppose Illegal Immigration
With the southern border in a state of crisis and thousands of illegal immigrants crossing the border every day, we must take steps to secure our state. This means turning off any magnets drawing illegal immigrants here by eliminating sanctuary cities, cracking down on fentanyl smugglers, and stopping illegal immigrants from getting driver’s licenses and registering to vote. As a former national defense professional, Dominic understands that the flow of drugs and crime into our communities must be stopped.